Hi! My name is Sonia; I am the founder of the brand Salad Code, salads for your skin.
This is the second time that I have embarked on a venture and right here I am going to tell you the main reasons why I have created this natural cosmetics brand, for which our small team give their very best every day so that it becomes your favourite skincare brand!
After years I felt like embarking on a new venture, I am someone who isn’t scared of making mistakes or falling over, because I just get back up again and continue! Always. And that was half the battle. I think that it is essential both personally and professionally, that you can take risks, accept mistakes and the most important; learn from that. Afterwards, I just had to decide which sector I was going to start up in, which took me a few months to decide on, weighing up the pros and cons, until all of a sudden I realized that the skin care products that I used every day, often made my skin go red. That wasn’t difficult because my skin is quite sensitive, so curiously I read the list of ingredients and it was full of petroleum-based products and a few others that were far from being healthy for my skin. The same week I decided that I wanted to look after myself by using more natural products, I had a very healthy lifestyle, so why shouldn’t I look after my skin in the same way? That is what prompted me to create my own brand of natural cosmetics.
And do you know where the name and the slogan came from? Easy, after the gym and having a salad for lunch… with plenty of spinach in it. My skin was glowing after just washing it, no redness, hydrated, glowing. I had made up my mind: Salad Code, salads for your skin!
I would like to share a family saying with you… the most valuable things can be found in what is natural.
Sonia Bernal