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155.00 €

Sale price Regular price 116.00 €
Clic qui essere avvisato via e-mail quando "GREEN BEAUTY" FACE PACK sarà disponibile.

Coccola la tua pelle con il nostro pack “Green Beauty”!

Indicato per tutti i tipi di pelle, e pensato specialmente per la cura di quelle più sensibili. Pulisce, protegge idrata e rivitalizza per poter ottenere una pelle più sana e perfetta.

Tutto il contenuto di questo pack è formulato con gli ingredienti più puri con un enfasi particolare a quelli che oltre ad essere ecologici sono anche molto nutrienti.

Formulato SENZA:

Parabeni - fenossietanolo - oli minerali - silicone - coloranti artificiali - profumi sintetici

Composto da:


Pulisce e strucca in modo efficace senza irritare la pelle. Contiene potenti antiossidanti tra cui il Kale e il tè verde, che impediscono l’ossidazione cellulare e prevengono l’invecchiamento cutaneo. Inoltre, proteggono e aiutano a difendere la pelle contro l’inquinamento. La spirulina con il suo potente apporto di vitamine, tonifica e rinfresca. È piacevole da usare perché l’avena calma e ammorbidisce la pelle evitando gli arrossamenti.

Usalo anche se non ti sei truccata, per eliminare le impurità.

Ha un delizioso aroma naturale a lime.

250 ml.


Concentrato con vitamina C e acido ialuronico.

Dà elasticità e illumina la pelle. L’arancia e il kiwi regalano alla pelle la vitamina C, contengono un alto potere antiossidante e favoriscono la creazione di collagene e la regolazione della pigmentazione. L’acido ialuronico invece, mantiene la pelle umettata in ogni momento, addolcendo le linee d’espressione e ripristinando l'elasticità della pelle.

Ha un delicato aroma alla vitamina C. / Non lascia la sensazione di unto ed ha un effetto “dry oil”.

30 ml.


Fermezza, lucentezza e morbidezza per il contorno occhi.

Contiene ingredienti infallibili come l’aloe vera, che rigenera e idrata immediatamente e rinforza le fibre di collagene ed elastina per minimizzare le linee d’espressione. Ingredienti come il Kale e il cetriolo, minimizzano l’apparizione delle occhiaie, calmano e illuminano questa zona così sensibile del nostro viso.

Ha un delicato aroma naturale allo zenzero. / Luminosità all’istante.

30 ml.


Idrata e calma la pelle

Contiene ingredienti ultra idratanti come l’avocado. Il cavolo riccio (Kale) e il tè verde aiutano a proteggere la pelle dall’ossidazione cellulare causata dai radicali liberi prevenendo l’invecchiamento cutaneo. Il mix di questi ingredienti è perfetto per ogni tipo di pelle e calmerà gli arrossamenti di quelle più sensibili. Il suo uso rende la pelle morbida e vellutata.

Ha un delicato aroma naturale a lime. / Non lascia la sensazione di unto ed ha un effetto “dry oil”.

50 ml.

Istruzioni per l'uso:

I quattro prodotti della nostra routine viso devono essere applicati giorno e notte, ad eccezione del siero che va applicato solo la notte.

Iniziamo con il detergente viso che va usato tutti i giorni. La mattina, per pulire le impurità che la pelle ha generato in modo naturale durante la notte. La sera, per eliminare i resti di trucco o di impurità depositate durante la giornata a causa dell’inquinamento ambientale.

Si può anche utilizzare come tonico.

Successivamente, applichiamo 3-4 gocce di siero (agitare prima dell'uso) massaggiando delicatamente il viso per attivare la circolazione. Contiene un’alta concentrazione di principi attivi che agiscono sugli strati più profondi della pelle per idratarla ed evitare che la pelle perda acqua.

Spalmiamo, poi, delicatamente dando leggeri tocchi con i polpastrelli, una piccola quantità di contorno occhi su tutta la zona intorno agli occhi.

Ed infine, applichiamo un piccola quantità di crema idratante che, se lo desiderate, si può prendere con l’applicatore, massaggiando il viso. Una volta assorbito, noterai un effetto di pelle di seta molto piacevole.

About the pack

Spoil your skin with our "Green Beauty" Face pack!

Suitable for all skin types and perfect to care for the most sensitive skin. It cleanses, protects, hydrates, and revitalises to obtain the healthiest and most perfect skin. 

Everything that is included in this pack is made with the purest ingredients available, what is more they are all organic and highly nutritious. 


Parabens, phenoxyethanol, mineral oils, silicones, artificial colours, synthetic fragrances.

It is made up of


It cleanses and removes make-up effectively without irritating your skin. It contains powerful antioxidants such as kale and green tea that stop cellular oxidation and prevent skin ageing. They also protect and boost the defences of the skin against environmental pollution. The spirulina, with its high vitamin content, tones and refreshes. It feels lovely because the oats soothe and makes skin very soft and it prevents redness. 

Use it even if you are not wearing make-up to remove impurities.  

It has a delightful natural lime aroma. 

250 ml.


Concentrated with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.

It increases elasticity and brightens the skin. The orange and the kiwi regulate the skin’s vitamin C, they have powerful antioxidant properties and they favour the production of collagen and they control skin pigmentation. They promote the production of collagen and they control skin pigmentation. The hyaluronic acid keeps your skin hydrated at all times, it smooths out fine lines and it restores the skin’s elasticity.

It has a delicate aroma of vitamin C / It doesn’t make your skin greasy; it has a “dry oil” effect.

30 ml.


It firms up, brightens and softens the skin around your eyes.

It contains fail proof ingredients such as aloe vera, which regenerates and hydrates immediately and it strengthens the collagen and elastin fibres to minimize fine lines. Its ingredients include kale and cucumber, which minimize bags and dark circles around the eyes; they soothe and brighten this extremely sensitive area of the face.

It has a delicate natural aroma of ginger/ Instant radiance. 

30 ml.


It moisturizes and soothes the skin.

It contains ultrahydrating ingredients such as avocado. The kale and the green tea help protect your skin from the oxidative stress caused by free radicals and they slow down the ageing of the skin. The mix of these ingredients is perfect for all skin types and it will soothe any redness, even on the most sensitive skin. It makes skin as soft as velvet.

It has a subtle natural lime aroma/It doesn’t make your skin greasy; it has a “dry oil” effect.

50 ml.

Key Ingredients


It is the best ally for dry, dull, ageing, flaky and wrinkled skin. It is rich in vegetable oils that benefit the skin, it has a high vitamin E content, it is one of the most powerful antioxidants, it rejuvenates and protects against free radicals.


It is a powerful antioxidant that has lots of phytonutrients and vitamins A, C, E and K. Kale makes your skin glow and look fresh. The phytonutrients are organic components that are found in plants and they have beneficial and protective properties that help you maintain your vitality. They are found in fruit, vegetables, garden produce and pulses


It has high concentrations of polyphenols, especially the catechin type of phenolic compound, which makes green tea a powerful antioxidant. The polyphenols help prevent free radical formation that occurs in the cells, that is to say, they stop the reaction that occurs and repair the damage that they might cause. This property makes it a “top” substance against skin ageing. 


It is in fashion and it deserves to be! This alga contains 65 % proteins and a lot of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and E. This spirulina algae is an excellent source of numerous minerals and essential trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, etc…It has a purifying effect on the skin and it prevents skin ageing. It tightens the skin and it is rich in iodine, which is perfect to clean and disinfect the skin. It tones, refreshes and relaxes the skin.


It has intense moisturizing and hydrating properties. It contains lipids and water absorbents that help hydrate the deepest layers of the skin so that it doesn’t get dehydrated and dry. The result is much smoother and healthier skin.  It can balance the skin’s pH, and it has skin whitening effects that help to even out the skin tone and diminish dark spots and blemishes.


The main characteristic of hyaluronic acid is its amazing ability to attract and retain water. It is used topically for intense skin hydration, with noticeable short-term results. Furthermore, it makes skin look smoother and it helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


It is an excellent source of vitamin C. It contains powerful antioxidants that fight off free radicals (those that cause wrinkles and flaccidity). The ascorbic acid in orange juice brightens the skin’s complexion, tones the skin and makes it look younger because it helps restore the collagen. It evens out the skin tone, it boosts cellular repair, making your face radiant. What more could you ask for?


Kiwis are not only delicious and rich in nutrients but they are also an important natural ingredient in skin care. They contain different nutrients such as vitamin C, E and powerful antioxidants, which are essential to stimulate, rejuvenate and restore healthy skin. They revitalize your skin, regenerating the cells and keep skin firm. 

How to use

  • The four products of our facial routine can be used day and night except for the serum that should only be used at night. 
  • Use daily and first of all the facial cleanser in the morning to remove the impurities that build up naturally on the skin during the night. At night, use it to remove make-up or any dirt produced during the day by environmental pollution.
  • You can also use it as a tonic.
  • Secondly, use 3-4 drops of serum (shake before using) and massage it on the face to stimulate the blood circulation. It contains a high concentration of active ingredients that will work on the deepest layers of the skin to hydrate it and help the skin retain the moisture. 
  • Thirdly, with your fingertips, very gently apply a small amount around your eyes.
  • Finally, put a small amount of the moisturizing cream on your face and massage it in, you can use the spatula if you wish to measure it out. When it has been absorbed into the skin, it will feel nice and silky.

